10 Things I wish I knew BEFORE I started College!

Hello Beautiful People,

I've been wanting to do another "advice" blog entry type of thing and with summer whining down and school literally just around the corner (sad face) I thought what better of a topic than "10 things I wish I knew BEFORE I started College". 

Even though I don't start school till October I know some of you will be starting your academic school year in a couple of weeks. I wanted to have this up before anyone started. And for some of you, this might be your first year stepping into college territory. How exciting! 

With that said, there are a couple of things I wish I knew before I started this crazy roller-coaster of ride we call college. If you're a returning student, first year, going to a CC, state school, UC, or a private college, this will all be very relevant and hopefully useful.  

1. You only grow when you're uncomfortable
Isn't that the ugly truth? But we all love our comfort zone! This was something rather difficult for me to get use to and I really wish I knew this ahead of time. 

My first quarter in college I was so emotional (more emotional than usual). Everything was new, I didn't like it. Well I mean I did but my whole world changed a complete 180. New surroundings, sharing my room with another person, two strangers for that matter of fact, a different academic environment, no more home cooked meals, showering with other people, no privacy whats so ever, new faces, new EVERYTHING. I couldn't stand it, I couldn't stand being so uncomfortable. I wanted my room, I wanted to be surrounded by the people who I knew so well. I felt sad for a long time. And this limited how I experienced my first quarter in college. Being so closed off to change, made me not want to make new friends or experience new things. 
After the first quarter was over I had winter break to decide how I wanted to go about my next two quarters in college. Returning back, I told myself I would put myself out there, be uncomfortable and TRY NEW THINGS.

This was the BEST decision ever! It was so hard at first but being uncomfortable was so liberating! I found the best of friends I could have ever asked for. Who knew people would be so friendly and actually care about you. I went out and I explored. It was hard to put myself out there and be so vulnerable but you experience and grow so much more when you decide to break free from your comfort zone. Don't be scared, try it.

2. Know the Balance 
You will soon realize that how well you experience college and excel in your academics is highly dictated on how well you balance yourself.  I wish I knew this before.

Whatever you decide to occupy yourself with in your free time, whether it be partying, playing a sport, joining a club, etc, be sure to stay on top of your academic work. You are a scholar before anything. And don't get me wrong, go out, do stuff! Don't make the same mistake I made and just stick to doing homework. You need to get out and relax your mind, because you WILL go insane and have a mental breakdown. I had a few.

Know when it's time to leave the textbooks and know when it's time to leave the party. TOO much of something can be very disruptive. You decide.

3. You don't know yourself as well as you think you do
Yeah you heard me..
At age 17-22 you are by no means a fixed identity. You will soon realize that-that major you entered with going into college is not actually what you're passionate about. Maybe you'll switch into the film or even molecular biology. Maybe you become a vegetarian, end up liking the same sex, end up figuring out college isn't even for you.
Who knows the possibilities! Maybe my examples are a little extreme but they might happen.

I came into college thinking I knew everything about myself. I would've saved myself a lot of trouble if I didn't think that way. I'm actually a lot stronger than I give myself credit for, I'm actually a lot smarter than I think I am, I hate chocolate now, I love milk tea, I stress too much, I'm shyer than I thought, and I have a strong passion for anthropology. And I didn't know any of these things about myself until now. I have 3 more years and who knows what will change.

4. Some people will leave and some people will stay 
And this is okay. It's life.
Going to college and especially far away puts you at risk of losing some friends. But it's a risk worth taking. This is the hard part about growing up, everyone has to do it. Everyone has their own path they have to take and people will stray away from yours. Your childhood friends and high school friends will soon become busy and more occupied in their own way. You will also be busy and make new friends as well and all of this is okay. People change and you will soon find out if you're still worth people's time or not.

People will also stay. It takes two to tango and if you both are dedicated in taking at least one hour to call, hang out, text, Facetime, whatever, it will happen. You might not lose a friend and that's a blessing and a hope to have.

I'm finally understanding this after a year of struggling with this concept. Hopefully it'll come sooner for you.

5. Relationships 
I mean this was something I knew but I was kind of in denial.  (This is for or all the people in relationships and for the people who are single I have something for you too).
Relationships are hard enough and when you put distance between it they get more complicated. Some couples can't handle to complications and decide to call it off. Some couples grow apart too much that no longer feel compatible for each other. Whatever the obstacle is both you and your partner will decide if it's worth it. And if it is, it is possible to have a healthy relationship while in college.

For the single people, enjoy it. College is a time to meet new people and experience new things. Maybe you don't even want to be in a relationship and that's totally cool. Work on yourself and your goal endlessly. And if you are looking for a partner well you have lots of choices... just don't become a hoodrat. ;) or do, I aint judging.

6. Very few people care about your grades
In high school everyone and their mommas cared about my grades. So when I started school I thought that would still be the case... and it's not.

Besides your parents, maybe a handful of TA's and professors, and you (maybe not even you) nobody is going to care about what grade you got in that oh so difficult chemistry class. That's why you have to be your only motivation to get a good grade. Don't do it for anyone else, chances are THEY DON'T CARE. Your professors don't care if you turn in your homework or about your weak ass excuse if you don't. Everything is really on your side of the court. Go to office hours, go to class, if you're not doing well in a class, don't go partying a day before a big test. This is all on you. Make yourself proud or reevaluate why you're here in the first place.

7. Being broke is something to get use to
Aint that a shame. I mean if your filthy rich than skip this... lol. But if you understand my struggle then being broke is just something you're going to have to get use to, especially in college. And yes, you're still broke even with a job on the side. Lets face it, you have other expenses to take care of. Books, transportation, more books, fees, sport games, the list goes on. You will soon be taking advantage of anything with the label "FREE". You know us college kids go crazy over free food..
I had the disappointment of not being able to go shopping whenever I pleased. So take advantage while you still have that freedom.

I definitely wish I knew my way around the world of textbooks sooner. It would've saved me a lot of money.

In the beginning I didn't check my syllabi and I found out the first day of instruction that I was already behind on reading. I hadn't bought any of my textbooks and I needed them ASAP. I ended up buying them at the campus's textbook store and they were quite pricey.

People would advice you to not buy textbooks until you try out the class for a week. But I advice, that if you KNOW you have to take this class and there is no way you will drop it buy your textbooks ahead of time and always check your syllabi to see what books you need right away.

NEVER buy your textbook at the campus's book store unless there are no other websites/stores you can buy them at. Always check Amazon, Ebay, Half.com, Chegg, Facebook group pages that focus on selling textbooks, and network. Most likely there will be students who are selling the textbooks you need at a much cheaper price. Amazon also sells used textbooks.

If you are going to rent a textbook don't rent it from the campus's book store either. You can rent in on Amazon for a cheaper price as well.
***If you want to get a student membership for Amazon and receive prime shipping for FREE (you'll get textbooks in less than 2 days) CLICK HERE .

9. Don't compare yourself to people 
Maybe this isn't something you will struggle with but it's something I struggled with so I just want to throw it out there. This was something I definitely wish I knew before..

When coming to college you will meet a lot, a lot of smart people, geniuses, even. Don't let that make you feel less smart. You were admitted into this college because you deserve it just as much as them. Maybe math or physics isn't your strength, maybe you're not premed or an engineer major. But that doesn't make you any less worthy. You are great at whatever you're great at. You will quickly learn that the only person you need to compare yourself with is the person who you were a day before.

10. The STRESS is real 
and last not not least... it will be hard.
Going to college is a hard transition, especially academically (maybe not for everyone). You will not have the same study habits and you might not have straight A's like before. You will be challenged.. mentally, physically and emotionally. The stress will occur, this is something that will happen. BUT don't let the stress break you. If you're having a rough week you will get through it. Manage your time wisely, have fun, give yourself a break, and most importantly live in the moment.


Yours truly,

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