A Healthier You! "It Works" Body Wraps + More!

Ladies and Gentlemen, 
Before I get into more beauty tips that focus on our outer appearance, I wanted to create a series that focuses on the most important part of our bodies, what's inside of us. I plan on posting entries that focus on diet, nutrition and exercise. There is NO point to maintaining a presentable appearance from the outside if our health is suffering. As much as I rave and am obsessed with makeup, it is not something that is going to solve my acne or health. 
For a really long time, since middle school, I have struggled with my weight. It's been a roller coaster ever since then. There would be periods of times where I would lose weight dramatically and then there would be periods of times where I would gain it all right back. Everyone is different, for some it's easy to lose body fat and for others not so much. It's really HARD for me to lose weight, I have to work x2 more to keep up with the average person. I am not a skinny person giving another person advice on how to be skinner or healthier. I am just a regular girl battling the same struggles as many of you to becoming healthier and achieving our desirable body weight. 

In this entry, I want to talk about a company that focuses on selling nutritional products and body wraps that I feel has been transformed the bodies of many people. The company is called "It Works" (I will provide their official website's link so you can check just how legit they are) http://www.myitworks.com  you can also check out their Facebook page for more information https://www.facebook.com/itworksglobal . The company concentrates on providing their clients with a non-surgical treatment -- where you are literally wrapped up, usually in some combination of organic material and gauze that is intended to burn fat, tone, firm and tighten.Not only does this company sell detox wraps, but they also have hair and nail growth pills that are amazing. They have facial masks, stretch mark creams, and juice cleanse. 

*DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or endorsed or have any business affiliations with the IT WORKS company. These are products that I have seen work on many people and I personally believe it will work on you too! 

The Detox Wrap:

This is their ultimate applicator wrap. If any of you would want to try one wrap or a full treatment which is four wraps, you only need to wear the wrap for 45 minutes. The Ultimate Body Applicator is a non-woven cloth wrap that has been infused with a powerful, botanically-based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning and firm results where applied to the skin. It also minimizes cellulite appearance, improves skin texture and tightness. It mess-free and simple to use. All is made with NATURAL ingredients. Here is a result of my friend who did not mind posting her results.  
Everyone who has tried this product has loved it, including myself. Please note that everyone's skin type is different so one individual might see more results after the first wrap, while another individual might not see results till after the second or third wrap. One of the most important things to take note is that this is a detox wrap NOT a water weight wrap. They actually encourage you to drink as much water as you can being that this wrap is a detox and toner. 

Hair and Nails:
They have these pills that work miracles in length and strength with 10,000 BCG. Here's my friend's result:

They have a drink that they call "greens". It's to boost immune, cleanse your body within, and each drink gives  you a days serving of both fruits and veggies. They have a lot of chemo patients who use this drink to gain back energy and maintain their health through treatment. 
** greens have also shown the decrease in acne in some patient's skin

I didn't want to add TOO much information on these products because my friend can let you know A LOT MORE about each and every one of these products I have mentioned above. If you are interested in learning more what IT WORKS can offer you than please contact my friend: Destiny Ruiz, she has provided me her email information D.ruiz03@yahoo.com  
she is located in the San Fernando Valley and is willing to inform and sell to anyone who is seriously interested. If you would like her personal number please contact her or I and we will gladly give it to you.

I hope this works out for many of you and if you do decide
 to be interested in it please let me know how your transformation goes! That's it guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this post.  If you have any questions don't hesitate 
to comment below or ask in my "Contact Page"
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Yours truly,

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